5th April 2019 was such a strange day, it was the day the podcast I recorded with Kayte Ferris from Simple and Season was published and I was strangely more nervous than when I recorded it a couple of weeks ago.
Kayte is a marketer turned coach, mentor, blogger, and podcast host and she lives in the Snowdonia National Park in North Wales. You can read more about what she does on her website.
In our chat: Grow With Soul Ep. 34: Getting Started With Wholesale and Selling With Therese Ørtenblad, we talk about the journey of a wholesale business, approaching retailers, cold calling and finding a way to sell that suits your personality and so much more. The episode is available on Spotify, Itunes, and all the usual podcast places.

Recording this episode was a lot of fun and I was really nervous to begin with but Kayte helped me and once I got into the flow I forgot that we were even recording it. I felt really happy with it afterward and I know that we spoke about things that I hope will resonate and help some small business owners but to be completely honest I have not been able to listen to the whole episode yet. I find it so strange and awkward to listen back to my own voice. If you have any tips on how to deal with this, please let me know.
I'm so thankful to Kayte for having me as a guest and I would absolutely love to hear your thoughts and see pictures on Instagram of where you're listening to the episode, remember to tag me so I can re-post it.